The Great Turning Catholic Worker

Providing safe and welcoming housing for families and individuals in need.

Our mission is to provide safe and welcoming housing to individuals and families in need. We prioritize mothers with children, refugees, asylum seekers, and immigrants in need of housing.

man in black shirt sitting on chair near white wooden house during daytime
man in black shirt sitting on chair near white wooden house during daytime

Our Mission

We work to create a welcoming community that is more than just a roof over one's head. We try to provide support for various pressing needs as they show up. Guests work toward their goals with support from Allies within the community.

Support of a Community

top view photo of houses
top view photo of houses

Our Services

We are providing housing, utilities, and many day-to-day needs. We share a weekly meal, often provided by volunteers. Our goal is to share in one another's lives in community, building a society where it is easier for people to be good.

assorted-color house illustration on gray concrete surface
assorted-color house illustration on gray concrete surface

Contact Us

line of houses during day
line of houses during day